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A Designer with an Engineering Mindset :)

Ravi's Photo

Hello! I'm Ravi, a Product designer with a Master's degree in Human-Computer Interaction from Indiana University. With 4 years of corporate experience as a Software Developer (yes, I can code), and about 2 years of experience as a designer, I can articulate my design decisions to both tech and non-tech stakeholders.

I strive to
create meaningful designs through the lens of engineering, and I design with a user-first approach. I believe that learning is a constant process of discovery - a process without an end, and I always take critique with an open mind. My design philosophy is evolving, continuously adapting the best practices from the people I meet and the businesses I work with. 

What am I apart from this? I love to sing in my free time. I also make digital illustrations on my iPad using Procreate. I love cooking but hate doing the dishes. Also, let's talk about the stars?

"I learn and thus I grow"

From Idea to Interface: A Peek into My Design Process

Jobs To Be Done (JTBD)

"People don’t want to buy a quarter-inch drill. They want a quarter-inch hole!" (Ted Levitt). Users hire products or services to help them accomplish a specific job or task. I use the JBTD framework to understand the underlying motivations and goals that drive customers to use a product or service. By studying the job, we are not married to the solution and thus we can come up with better solutions to get the job done.

An illustration of a man drawing a way out of a maze shaped like a question mark
Four people joining pieces of a puzzle depicting collaborative effort

Participatory Design 

The famous five-stage non-linear model stresses understanding the user problem thoroughly, before trying to find a solution. I incorporate the participatory design method in this process, by involving stakeholders early in my design process to gain a deeper understanding of user needs, pain points, and motivations. In my opinion, this approach reduces the risk of failure, saving time and resources.


Illustration of Kakashi, a character from the anime Naruto
Illustration on Pride Month
Monotone Illustration of a scenic view of mountains and a river
Tshirt Design of a Overthinker

Graphic Design

Lace Up - A shoe company branding case study
DineOh - A restaurant chain branding case study
Magazine cover for Femina
Fall Celebrations Flyer

More About Ravi...

Ravi Shankar Mood Board

In the Press...

Image of Ravi Shankar holding a Tshirt that he designed

T-shirt design contest winner

Read about my t-shirt design that is currently being sold at IU Indianapolis bookstore.


IU @ Indy Pride Parade

Watch me walking at the annual Indy Pride Parade in downtown Indianapolis on Jun 10, 2023.

Design Sprint cover photo

3rd place in IU Design Sprint

Read about IU's design sprint on Parks of the Future organized in March 2023.

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